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독서, 영어잡학사전 # 영어잡학사전 독서일: 2020/04/23 오후 3:42 비고: 2020년 4월 23일 오후 3:42 작가: 구경서 출판사: 길벗이지톡 영어잡학사전 [시사, 정치, 역사, 종교 편] - pro-choice: 낙태 합법화 - Prague Spring: 프라하의 봄 - counterculture: 기성 문화에 대한 거부와 반발 - pick corn: 옥수수를 따다, 시시한 후보를 고르다 - pork barrel: 의원들이 자신의 지역구 선심사업을 위해 정부 예산을 무리하게 배정하느 ㄴ것 - see the bottome of the pork barrel: 집안의 경제 사정이 나빠짐 - earmark: 당당하게 쓸 수 있는 합법적 예산 - porkbuster: 감시하고 막기 위해 노력하는 시민단체나 민간인 -.. 2022. 6. 6.
wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Flutter Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flutter – WordReference Word of the Day Flutter dates back to before the year 1000. The Old English verb floterian, and later the Middle English floteren, emerged as a frequentative of the Old English verb flotian (to float or rest on the surface of the water). It originally meant ‘to flutter daily.wordreference.com To flutter means ‘to wave or flap about’ and, if .. 2021. 7. 9.
wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Rip Intermediate+ Word of the Day: rip – WordReference Word of the Day Rip, meaning ‘to tear apart,’ dates back to the early to mid-15th century. Its origin is uncertain. Some linguists think it came into English from a North Sea Germanic language, making it closely related to the Flemish rippen (to strip off) and the Fri daily.wordreference.com To rip means ‘to tear apart roughly,’ ‘to cut or tear .. 2021. 7. 6.
wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Don Intermediate+ Word of the Day: don – WordReference Word of the Day Don, as a title of respect equivalent to Mr. or Sir, dates back to the early 16th century, and probably came into English from Spanish or Portuguese. It can be traced back to the Latin noun dominus (lord or master), from domus (house), and the Proto-Indo-E daily.wordreference.com Daily.Wordreference.com 구독하면 매일 영단어가 날아와요. You mig.. 2021. 6. 3.
wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Whomp Intermediate+ Word of the Day: whomp – WordReference Word of the Day whomp (noun, verb) /hwomp/ Mainly in US English, a whomp is a loud, heavy blow, slap, or bang. The verb means, of course, ‘to slap or strike heavily’ or ‘to make a banging noise.’ Figuratively, and rather informally, it means ‘to defeat decisivel daily.wordreference.com Daily.Wordreference.com 구독하면 매일 영단어가 날아와요. 쾅!! 쾅소리를 내다. Ma.. 2021. 5. 26.
wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Froth Intermediate+ Word of the Day: froth – WordReference Word of the Day Froth is a mass of bubbles, such as on a liquid that has been shaken or whisked hard, like on lattes or smoothies or on fizzy drinks like soda or beer. Saliva that comes out of the mouth, such as sometimes happens as a symptom of some diseases, like rabies daily.wordreference.com Daily.Wordreference.com 구독하면 매일 영단어가 날아와요. wordr.. 2021. 5. 25.
[English] 정수, 서수, 분수, 소수, 배수 영어로 읽는 법 정수 (cardinal numbers) / 서수 (ordinal numbers) 읽는 법 321,321 (삼백이십일만 천삼백이십일) → 321 thousand + (and) 321 1,321,321 (천삼백이십일만 천삼백이십일 → one million + 321 thousand + (and) 321 1,321,321,321 (13억 이천백삼십이만 천삼백이십일) → one billion 321 million + 321 thousand + (and) 321 분수 (fractions) 읽는 법 (1) 기본적인 읽는 방법 → 1/3 = a third 또는 one-third // 4/5 = four-fifths (2) 큰 숫자의 분수 → 123/456 = 123 over 456 또는 123 (divided) by.. 2020. 12. 2.
[English] That's when/Back then/At the time 차이 That’s when… 그 순간이었어. One of my employees confessed to stealing from the company. That’s when I decided to fire him. 그 순간에 난 그를 해고하기로 결정했지. I felt really bad after failing my English test. That’s when I decided it was time to study abroad! The child started to scream at everyone in the restaurant. That’s when I decided it was time to leave. Back then… 그 땐 I had a huge crush on her back then. Lif.. 2020. 12. 2.
[English] 오바마 전 미대통령 연설 영어 (Obama's Speech) 백악관 명연설 20 일본의 한 영어 학교에서는 오바마의 연설집을 교재로 채택하고, 트위터에서는 이백만 명 이상의 사용자들이 매일 오바마의 연설동영상을 보고 있다는 사실은 오바마의 연설문이 비영어권 국 www.yes24.com International Women’sDay Reception The story of America’s women, like the story of America itself, has had its peaks and valleys. But as one of our great American educators once said, if you drew a line through all the valleys and all the peaks, that line would be drawn w.. 2020. 12. 2.
[English] Telephoning from Oxford 비즈니스 영어 Edit by gslow, From Oxford 비즈니스 영어 Making excuses Jorg: Seide. Bob: Hi jorg. It’s Bob here. Jorg: Oh, hi Bob. Nice to hear from you. How’s business? Bob: Oh, can’t complain. How are things with you? Jorg: Fine, thanks. Listen Bob, can I call you back in ten minutes? I’m actually talking to someone on the other line. OR I'm afraid I'm in a meeting. Bob: Sure, no problem. Have you got my mobile nu.. 2020. 12. 2.
[계약영어] Hereafter/Hereby/Hereto/Hereof 뜻 Hereafter 뜻 starting from this time; in the future: 지금부터 시작하여; 향후에는: [계약서에선] 이하에는, 이후에는 용례 (일반) Elizabeth Gaskell's novel "Ruth" will hereafter be cited within the text as EG. 엘리자베쓰 개스켈의 소설 "루쓰"는 향후 본문들에서 EG처럼 사용됩니다. (계약서) This is a contract between A (HEREAFTER referred to as the vendor) and B (HEREAFTER referred to as the purchaser.) 이는 A(이하 '판매자'라고 함)와 B(이하 '구매자'라고 함) 사이의 계약이다. Hereby 뜻 with .. 2020. 7. 18.
[계약영어] Whereas 뜻 Whereas 뜻 compared with the fact that; but: 사실과 비교하여; 그러나: [계약서에선 '설명조항'으로 사용] 계약서에서든 관용적으로 사용하는 의미로서, 별다른 번역을 하지 않아도 됩니다. 계약의 당사자를 표시한 후 설명조항이 들어가면서 계약체결의 취지나 목적 등을 기재할 때 사용됩니다. 설명조항으로, 계약 당사자나 판사 등에게 해당 계약이 어떤 계약인지 파악할 수 있게 해주는 배경지식을 알려주는 조항이라고 생각하면 됩니다. 원칙적으로 법적 효력을 갖지 않습니다. 용례 (일반) He must be about 60, whereas his wife looks about 30. 그는 거의 60살일 것이다, 그러나 그의 와이프는 30살 정도로 보인다. (계약서) WHEREAS, B.. 2020. 7. 17.
[GMP] 20140102 1. 맛있는 모닝단어 : 1.~에 확신이 없는 2.아주많은 3.새해결심 1.not sure of 2.so much 3.new year resolution 2. Screen English : 아무런 확신이 없어. I'm not sure of anything. Celine : I think it's... it's the best opportunity every and it's more money and I'm doing it. Jesse : OK, are you sure? Celine : No, I'm not sure of anything, ok? Words & phrases * the best opportunity ever 지금까지중 가장 좋은 기회 * more money 더 많은 돈 * I'm doing.. 2019. 11. 19.
넷플릭스(Netflix)와 함께 영어 공부를!(Language Learning with Netflix), 크롬 확장 프로그램 정말 어마어마한 크롬 확장 프로그램이 생겼네요! 넷플릭스(Netflix)를 크롬으로 시청할때 Language Learning with Netflix 확장프로그램을 깔게 되면, 이렇게 기가 막힌 어학교재가 됩니다. 영문 자막과 그 밑에 한글 자막이 딱. 그리고 옆에는 영문 자막이 순서대로 정리되어 있고, 플레이버튼을 누르면 거기로 돌아가서 재생이 다시 됩니다, 되고요. 그리고 단어를 누르면, 단어사전이 팝업이 똭. 이거 뭐야 세상에.. 진짜 최고임. 설치는 아래 링크 따라가서 손쉽게 설치 할 수 있어요~! Language Learning with Netflix 당신이 공부하는 언어로 영화와 드라마를 보면서 자신의 언어실력을 즐겁고 효과적인 방법으로 향상 시키세요. chrome.google.com 2019. 11. 16.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 30. Let me get this off my chest. Beyond Cinema Lonnie Let me get this off my chest. I've hosted superstars. I've hosted billionaires. I've hosted kings and they ain't got nothing. I said they have nothing on the Flatbush Four. You hear me? Nothing and I remember, I heard this beautiful quote. It was, "Ain't nothing in this world that's deeper than loyalty and love, except for loyalty and love between thugs." Fifty-Cent, man! Fi.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 29. they like men that like to play hard-to-get. Beyond Cinema Billy Excuse me. On behalf of Binion's, I'd like to apologize for the delay in the show, but I'm really interested in the performer. She's the most amazing woman I ever met, and I just can't believe in two days that she's, you know, inside my heart, but I don't want her to know, because, you know, with gorgeous women, they like men that like to play hard-to-get. Woman: True. Very t.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 28. I let you down, man. Beyond Cinema Billy We were 17, you know, five minutes ago. It was just yesterday. I just don't know where it all went, you know? My brain cannot conceive how old this body is. Our girl's gone, Pat, and I wasn't there at the funeral, and I'm so sorry about that. I let you down, man. And I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. Pops' Tale Cuz you're a natural; A beating heart of stone. You gotta b.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 27. now it's my chance to return the favor. Beyond Cinema Lisa: Why did you throw him in the pool? Paddy That's just an old game from the neighborhood. Listen, dear. Can I tell you something? Lisa: Yeah Paddy Fifty years ago, Billy did something for me that allowed me to marry the only woman I ever loved and now it's my chance to return the favor. Lisa: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Paddy: He's not in love with you. Pops' Tale Will you h.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 23. that's completely embarrassing. Beyond Cinema Billy Diana, you know he's completely alone. I just think you gotta give him a chance. Diana Okay. I thought... Well, that's completely embarrassing. I guess I misunderstood. Billy No, it's not like that. No, it's not. It's not. Diana Well, what is it? Are you just gifting me to him like you did his wife? Pops' Tale And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are. It's enough.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 22. then go for it! Beyond Cinema Dean: Aces, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Archie Oh, uh, before you go, Dean... Ask the girl to dance. Don't tell her. Okay? Tell her how beautiful she is, not how sexy she looks to you. Tell her that from the time she walked in here, You have not been able to take your eyes off of her. Dean: That's kind of true. Archie: Okay, then go for it! Pops' Tale There's a calm surrender.. 2019. 6. 1.