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wordreference.com 오늘의 영단어: Don

by Whatever it is, it matters 2021. 6. 3.



Intermediate+ Word of the Day: don – WordReference Word of the Day

Don, as a title of respect equivalent to Mr. or Sir, dates back to the early 16th century, and probably came into English from Spanish or Portuguese. It can be traced back to the Latin noun dominus (lord or master), from domus (house), and the Proto-Indo-E


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You might have heard Don used to mean Mr. or Sir when addressing men from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, where it is a title used for lords or gentlemen. In the UK a don is a member of the teaching staff at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge. Don is also a title given to the head of a Mafia family. As a verb, don has a different meaning that is now only used formally. It means ‘to put on or dress in.’

영국에서는 교수, 이탈리아에서는 마피아 ㅎㅎ

동사로은 옷을 입다.


Example sentences

  • May I introduce you to Don Pedro from Madrid? 마드리드에서 온 도온~ 페드로!!
  • The dons were discussing their research in the senior common room.
  • Police arrested a Mafia don last week. 마피아 두목을 잡았다요
  • Nancy donned a smart suit for her interview. 스마트 수트는 뭔가요 입는건가요?
