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GMP Study_2019. 5. 27. now it's my chance to return the favor. Beyond Cinema Lisa: Why did you throw him in the pool? Paddy That's just an old game from the neighborhood. Listen, dear. Can I tell you something? Lisa: Yeah Paddy Fifty years ago, Billy did something for me that allowed me to marry the only woman I ever loved and now it's my chance to return the favor. Lisa: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Paddy: He's not in love with you. Pops' Tale Will you h.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 23. that's completely embarrassing. Beyond Cinema Billy Diana, you know he's completely alone. I just think you gotta give him a chance. Diana Okay. I thought... Well, that's completely embarrassing. I guess I misunderstood. Billy No, it's not like that. No, it's not. It's not. Diana Well, what is it? Are you just gifting me to him like you did his wife? Pops' Tale And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are. It's enough.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 22. then go for it! Beyond Cinema Dean: Aces, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Archie Oh, uh, before you go, Dean... Ask the girl to dance. Don't tell her. Okay? Tell her how beautiful she is, not how sexy she looks to you. Tell her that from the time she walked in here, You have not been able to take your eyes off of her. Dean: That's kind of true. Archie: Okay, then go for it! Pops' Tale There's a calm surrender.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 21. it got a little more complicated. Beyond Cinema Diana Well, you wouldn't answer my personal questions, so I thought I needed to scare the answers out of you. Billy All right, well, Paddy and I, right? When we were kids, we were in love with the same girl, Sophie. Diana: She's the one who got away? Billy Yah. First, you know, it was just two best friends competing for the same girl, but as we got older, it got a little more compl.. 2019. 6. 1.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 20. I'll vote for her when she runs for Congress. Beyond Cinema Paddy I'm gonna ask you something. Do you love this Lisa girl the way I loved Sophie? Billy She's a wonderful person, really great human being. Paddy Well, that's great. I'll vote for her when she runs for Congress. Billy, you're gonna be 70 years old. Tomorrow you're marrying a 31-yer-old woman who you proposed to a t a funeral. Pops' Tale Say something. I'm giving up on you. I'll.. 2019. 6. 1.
문대통령, 인사수석 교체. 인사수석에 김외숙 현 법제처장 https://news.v.daum.net/v/20190528150003237?f=p 文대통령, 747일만에 인사수석 교체..국세청장·법제처장도 (서울=뉴스1) 조소영 기자 = 문재인 대통령이 28일 청와대 최장수 수석 중 한 명으로 꼽혔던 조현옥 인사수석을 김외숙 법제처장으로 교체했다. 조 수석 임명일로부터 747일만이다. 조 수석이 교체되면서 조 수석과 '입사동기'였던 조국 민정수석이 단독 최장수 수석으로 등극하게 됐다. 문 대통령은 아울러 한승희 국세청장을 김현준 서울지방국세청장으로 교체하 news.v.daum.net 김외숙 신임 수석은 조 수석에 이어 역대 두 번째 여성 인사수석이 됐다. 조 수석은 사상 첫 여성 인사수석이었다. 김외숙 수석은 경북 포항 출신으로, 포항여고, 서울대 사법학과, 미국.. 2019. 5. 28.
[Movie] 어벤져스 마지막 장면 단체사진 토니 스타크 장례식 장면 단체 사진. 맨 오른쪽 너구리가 포인트. 2019. 5. 26.
그냥 사진_Happyness 행복을 찾아서 The Pursuit of Happyness를 한 번 더 봤다. 그리고 Happiness를 보니까. 감회가 새로워서 그냥 한 컷. 2019. 5. 24.
[재테크] P2P 렌딧 투자 부실금과 실제 수익률 부실금 확정 69건에, 손실금액 187,131원. 투자원금 중에 이만큼 그냥 날아갔다는 뜻. 손실률을 반영한 연 환산 수익률이 5.37%이니까, 100만원 투자했으면 최종적으로 얼마가 남을지 더 궁금해진다. 정기적으로 투자를 하니까 투자 결산하기가 너무 힘드네. 헐, 그런데 세금과 서비스 이용료 미반영.. 서비스 이용료는 1.75%(투자 수수료 1.72%, 추심 수수료 0.03%) 세금은 1.24%(실효세율 12.14%) 라고 하는데 그럼 5.37% - 1.75% - 1.24% = 2.38% 연환산으로 예금이자하고 다를게 없네.. 매달 들어오는건 그래도 거의 5%이상 이자가 들어오지만, 원금 손실이 커버리고, 이것 저것 제하면 별로 남는게 없는데... 최종 투자 후에 실제로 얼마 남았는지 확인해보자. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 16. I found myself downsized and empty-nested, Beyond Cinema Diana And so a few months ago, I found myself downsized and empty-nested, and I asked myself, "What do you really want to do with your life, Diana Boyle?" And what I really wanted to do was sing. I'm a little old for American Idol, so I figured Vegas, and so, you know, as they say, its goes. A big shot at Binion's needed some legal advice, so basically, I got that gig sewed up till.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 15. It's a gray area. Beyond Cinema Paddy: We got a couple of unresolved issues. Diana: Is he schmuck? 얼간이 Sam: It's a gray area. Paddy We've been best friends since we're 6 years old. My wife dies about a year ago, he doesn't even show up for the funeral. Billy: It's a little more complicated than that. I... Paddy yeah, sends me flowers with a note that says "Sorry for your loss." Pops' Tale Turn around. Every now a.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 14. he's just the way he is. Beyond Cinema Paddy So Billy was so busy, he couldn't spend the weekend with his three oldest friends in the world. Typical. Once a sefish bastard, always a selfish bastard. Never changes. Never, never changes. You know, that's the thing about him, he's just the way he is. What was so important that he couldn't spend it with us? Pops' Tale Nothing's fine. I'm torn. I'm all out of faith. This is .. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 13. Why on earth would I ever want to go to Vegas? Beyond Cinema Paddy: What's going on? Sam: Well, the three of us are gonna go to Las Vegas for the weekend. Paddy: Why on earth would I ever want to go to Vegas? Sam For fun! Remeber fun? That thing you used to have before the permanent scowl set it? Paddy: Come on, I don't have a permanent scwol. Pops' Tale I thought I saw a man brought to life. He was warm, he came around like he was dignified.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 9. we will never bring it up again. Beyond Cinema Miriam Sweetheart, you're unhappy It's like the light has gone out of your eyes. and the Florida jokes, they're... They're getting tired. And I.. I want my guy back. So I... I thought, if... If you... I don't want to know what you do. Don't tell me about it, and we will never bring it up again. Sam You... Is this some kind of trick? Pops' Tale Unhappiness where's when I was young A.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 8. Are you serious? Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Sam: Remember, you threw all of our bachelor parties for us. Archie: Two for me. Billy: Yeah, but we got no time because we're getting married on Sunday. Archie: Ah, Billy... Sam So we... No, it's fine. We fly in on Friday, Saturday we give... We give you the best bachelor party in the history of mankind and then on Sunday, your child-bride flies in and... Ar.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 7. It's so weird to be back here. Beyond Cinema Billy Why every time the phone rings, you think somebody's dying? Sam I live in Florida now. Usually, when the phone rings, somebody is dying. Billy: No, I'm getting married. Archie: What? Sam: Wow! Archie: To that lady who's half your age? Billy: She's almost 32. Arche: Billy. I have a hemorrhoid that's almost 32. Pops' Tale Everybody knows, It suck to grow up And everybody does. .. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 6. who guys half my age are drooling over. 군침을 삼키다(흘리다) Beyond Cinema Billy You know why Ronnie died in his bed? Because for two years he never got out of that damn bed. I got a beautiful, young girlfriend here, who guys half my age are drooling over. 군침을 삼키다(흘리다) I'd marry her before I'd give up like Ronnie. I said it, babe. So, what do you think? Pops' Tale Good morning, son. In twenty years from now Maybe we'll both sit down and have a few beers A.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 2. I bet the boys are all atrracted to you Beyond Cinema Elizabeth There's a free concert tonight in Prospect Parkt, and I was gonna take my grandmother, and I thought you two might, I don't know, get along okay. Paddy: Elizabeth. Elizabeth: She's really funny. Paddy Elizabeth. Listen please. You're a very pretty young lady and I bet the boys are all atrracted to you as long as you don't give them anything to eat. Pops' Tale It's the eye.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 5. 1. Now I'm back on my feet; 이제 난 당당히 설 수 있게 됐어요. Beyond Cinema Dan: You stealing from my old man's till again, Sammy? Archie: Come on, Danny. Sam didn't steal a thing. Dan: How would you know? Billy: Because I did. How many weeks has it been since you've been paid, Sam? Five? Sam: Six. Billy: So until he gets paid, we're gonna take everything you owe. Nobody cheats us. Pops' Tale Rising up, back on the street. Did my time. Took my chances. Wen.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 30. You can't blame me for leaving that day. Beyond Cinema Lisbeth: You can't blame me for leaving that day. Camilla That day? This is not about a day. It's about a lifetime. Are you not Lisbeth Salander, the righter of wrongs, the girl who hurts men who hurt women? All those lucky ladies, wives, mothers, sisters. I could never figure it out. Pops' Tale And oh, when I'm old and wise Bitter words mean little to me. 쓴말에도 그리 영향을 받지 않아요. Autum.. 2019. 5. 22.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 29. It was like an awakening. 일종의 깨달음과 같았어. Beyond Cinema Camila There is something that you didn't know. When he died an odd thing happened. It was like an awakening. 일종의 깨달음과 같았어. I could finally see our father's true face; a monster's face. And I was nothing. Do you remember that morning that you jumped off the balcony and left me behind? Pops' Tale As far as my eyes can see There are shadows approaching me And to those I left behind, .. 2019. 5. 22.
[오사카] 오사카 야경(우메다 공중정원) 우메다 공중정원에서 본 오사카 야경. 2019. 5. 19.
[교토] 청수사(清水寺, 기요미즈데라) 비오는 날의 청수사, 기요미즈데라. 2019. 5. 19.
[제주] 어느멋진날 게스트하우스 어느 멋진 날 게스트 하우스 제주도 서귀포시 안덕면 사계남로 222 좀 외진 곳에 있지만 아늑하고, 저녁 식사에 대해서 추가 요금을 내면 이렇게 멋진 요리를 내어주신다. 2019. 5. 19.
[태국] 랏차다 롯파이 야시장 랏차다 롯파이 야시장. 역시 맛있는 건 야시장에 다 있다. 2019. 5. 19.
[태국] 방콕 짜뚜짝 주말 시장 짜뚜짝 '주말시장' 주말에만 열림. 덥다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 그래도 과일주스 하나 쪽쪽하면서 돌아다니면 볼것도 많다. 2019. 5. 19.
[태국] 터미널21(Terminal 21) 수쿰빗에 있는 대형 종합쇼핑몰 터미널 21(Terminal 21) 더워 죽을 것 같은 방콕 시내에서 건물 안으로 들어온다는 건 살았다는 뜻이다. 헐리우드, 샌프란시스코 등 여러 테마를 가지고 정말 잘 꾸며놨다. 푸드코트에서 가격과 맛에 놀라고 행복하고, 밖으로 나가기 싫은 마음이 생긴다. 부라더 다메요. 고생많지요? 2019. 5. 19.
[도쿄] 도쿄타워와 조조지(増上寺) 조조지에서 보이는 도쿄타워, 벚꽃과 함께 화려하고 아름다운 풍경을 만들어 낸다. 얘들은 뭔지 모르겠는데, 조조지에서 제일 귀여웠음. 무얼 기도하는 걸까. 신앙이 없지만, 신앙이 관광지를 만들어준다는 건 인정한다. 2019. 5. 19.
[도쿄] 오다이바 오오에도온센 모노가타리(お台場 大江戸温泉物語) 가격이 정말 자비가 없다. 성인 주말은 2,936엔에 달한다. 미리 인터넷으로 할인권 구매하는 게 최고. 현장에서 사면 뭔가 호구당하는 느낌이다. 입구. (1) 신발키 받아서 신발넣고 그냥 들어가면 된다. 후불. 왜냐하면 안에서 또 돈을 쓰게 만드니까. (2) 유카타를 받아서 그냥 들어가면 됨. 정말 잘 꾸며 놓고 했지만, 최고는 노천 온천이다.. 노천 온천 하나로 호구당한 기분이 날아갔다 . (3) 온천을 즐기고, 나중에 정산하면 되는데, 정산 줄이 너무 길다.. 2019. 5. 19.
[도쿄] 구루메 라멘 가네마루(久留米らーめん 金丸) 쿠루메 라면 가네마루. 도쿄 뒷골목으로 듬성 듬성 라멘집이 자리잡고 있다. 라멘은 우리로치면 순대국밥 정도의 위치인 것 같다. 김치찌개는 요즘 많이 안 먹으니까. 구루메는 미식가를 뜻하는 Gourmet의 일본어 발음이다. 다만 아쉽게도 여기 구루메(久留米)는 구루메라는 일본어 지명인 듯하다. 가네마루(金丸)는 사람 이름인 것 같고. 구루메 출신 가네마루 아저씨가 하는 라멘집인지는 모르겠는데, 일단 맛있어 보여서 들어감. 기본 라멘이 800엔에 교자가 380엔. 확실히 도쿄 긴자도 번화가는 너무 비싼데, 뒷 골목으로 오면 조금 싸지긴 한다. 그래서인지, 직장인들이 점심 먹으러 많이 왔다. 11시 개업하자말자 와서 1호 손님이 되었는데, 점심 장사 바짝 하는 듯 하다. 어디서나 볼수 있는 메뉴표 벤딩머신(자.. 2019. 5. 19.