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GMP Study_2019. 4. 15. 2019 4월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 15 (월) POPS Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder / Ebony and Ivory Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Lisbeth: Your father taught you? August: He's dead now. Maybe I shouldn't think of him anymore. Lisbeth: Why not? August Because that's the past. He once said the past, sometimes, can be like a black hole. If you get too close it might pu.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 11. 2019 4월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 11 (목) POPS Bob Dylan / Blowin' In the wind Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Erika: I've seen this before. Mikael: Seen what? Erika: You obsessing over Lisbeth. Mikael: This is not about Lisbeth. Erika Mikael. There were two key stories that made your name and built the magazine. The first you couldn't have written without her, an.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 10. 2019 4월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 10 (수) POPS Bob Dylan / Blowin' In the wind Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Milos: So are you a cop? Mikael: No, worse. I'm a journalist. Milos That guy, he's part of this group; heavy people. Pretty much the worst psychos. you can find in Stockholm Mikael: You used to work for them? Milos: What makes you tlhink that? Mikael: You.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 9. 2019 4월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 9 (화) POPS No Doubt / Don't Speak Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Mikael: This is the man you should be after, not Salander. Grane Your friend Salnader has perpetrated a cyber attack on the most important security agency in Amerca. I don't really see how this makes her any less guilty. Mikael She doesn't have the monopoly on guil.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 8. 2019 4월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 8 (월) POPS No Doubt / Don't Speak Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Plague: I'm guessing he thinks you stole this from him since you missed the drop-off. Lisbeth: That means she moved him to a safe house. Plague: Why? Lisbeth: Balder's program had a FREAK encryption. He's the only one who can open it. Plague: That means these guys .. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 4. 4월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 4 (목) POPS ABBA / I have a dream Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Grane Look. I'm aware that someone stole something of high value to you. and I presume you're here in Stockholm to find that someone. but I'm here to tell you that that's my job, not yours. The NSA has no business on Swedish soil. Edwin Funny part about that is I'm not h.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 3. 2019 4월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 3 (수) POPS ABBA / I have a dream Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Lisbeth Frans Balder developed it for the Americans and he hired me to take it back from them. Mikael: Take as in steal? Lisbeth: I think he wanted to destroy it. Mikael: Who's that? Lisbeth He's the man who stole it from me before I could give it back to Balder. LA.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 2. 2019 4월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 2 (화) POPS Bon Jovi / It's my life Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Grane Last week, she assaulted one onf Stockholm's most respected businessmen; emptied his bank accounts; just one of many men she's targeted. Frans I don't know why, but I thought I could trust her. Grane I promise you. I'll do everything in my power to protect y.. 2019. 4. 27.
GMP Study_2019. 4. 1. 2019 4월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA The Girl in the Spider's Web 4. 1 (월) POPS Bon Jovi / It's my life Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Frans: So do you think it can be done? Lisbeth: It depends. What am I looking for? Frans The sum of all my sins; a 2725 byte piece of software. It's a single-incident file It cna't be reproduced, copied; only moved. Lisbeth: And you want me to steal it for you. LA.. 2019. 4. 27.
[도쿄] 규카츠 모토무라 신바시점 찾아봐도 안보이길래, 유심히 봤더만... 지하1층이었다... 규카츠라고 하얀 천을 못찾으면 들어갈 수가 없다. 건너서 지하로 가려하면, 노렌(하얀 천으로 가게임을 나타내는 것)와 간판이 있어서 마침내 찾았다는 느낌이 든다. 점심때는 줄을 서야 해서, 미리 주문을 해야 한다. 기본 가격이 1,400엔으로 그새 올랐다. 가게는 '선불'입니다 How to eat "gyuukatsu" 규카츠 잘 먹는 법. 모르겠고, 작은 화로에.. 이렇게 나오는 규카츠를.. (양이 작아 보였는데, 은근히 한끼가 된다) 잘 구워 먹으면 된다. 크.... 왜 맛있지... 맛있다... 2019. 4. 20.
[Movie] 어벤져스: 엔드게임 베스트 포스트 엔드게임을 마지막으로, 핵심 주역 3인방이 사라질 것이라는 루머를 증명하듯이, 3인방의 현재와 과거에 대한 포스트가 나왔다. 토르1, 캡틴아메리카1, 아이언맨1때의 모습. 내가 제일 좋아했던 3인방... 다음주에 보자. 그동안 고마웠어. [Movie] 어벤져스: 엔드게임 개인 포스터 안녕, 아이언맨, 캡틴아메리카, 나탸샤로마노프 안녕, 헐크, 호크아이, 토르 [Movie] 어벤져스: 엔드게임 베스트 포스트 엔드게임을 마지막으로, 핵심 주역 3인방이 사라질 것이라는 루머를 증명하 gslow.tistory.com 2019. 4. 17.
GMP Study_2019.03.28 2019 3월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 28 (목) POPS Peter, Paul and Mary / Puff the Magic Dragon Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ericka: Okay, what's going on, 'sneaky-pants'? Drac: Oh, nothing. It's just, I wanted to make sure nobody would bother us. Ericka Oh! Why? Are you going to suck my blood? Blah, blah-blah. Drac No. I was going to ask you if you wou.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.27 19 3월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 27 (수) POPS Peter, Paul and Mary / Puff the Magic Dragon Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Drac: After all these years? You look awful. Van helsing Always with the quick insults. Well, this will shut you up and all monsters. Drac: Eh, huh? Tat's just Ericka's family heirloom thingy. Van Helsing: Good one, Ericka. Drac: Er.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.26 2019 3월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 26 (화) POPS Harry Styles / Sign of the times. Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Mavis I know what I said before, but maybe I overreacted a teensy bit. 과 It's just the thought of losing you. Drac: What? Waht are you talking about, losing me? Marvis Well, obviously, after you get married, you're gonna live on the ship and.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.25 2019 3월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 25 (월) POPS Harry Styles / Sign of the times. Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ericka: 'Zing'? What's a Zing? Darc: Uh, well, it's a thing for monsters. It's kind of like our 'love at first sight'. Ericka: What? No. No, no, no. You don't even know me. Drac: Well, not yet. But we're just... Ericka: No, you don't underst.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.21 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 21 (목) POPS Barry White / You're the first, the last, my everything. Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ericka yeah, it's a family heirloom. Yeah, it was lost at sea, and my great-grandfather is.. was! Was, uh, totally obsessed with getting it back. So, anywho, thanks for saving my life, but I can take it from... Got to .. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.20 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 20 (수) POPS Barry White / You're the first, the last, my everything. Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ericka: You saved my life. Drac: Of course. Why wouldn't I? Ericka: I just can't believe you would do that for a human. Drac: Humans, monsters; what's the difference? Ericka: Yeah, right. Right. Wait. What are you doin.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.19 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 19 (화) POPS Ben folds / The Luckiest Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Mavis: What was that about? Johnny: You mean your dad's date? Mavis: It wasn't a date. It was work stuff. I'm telling you, Johnny, there is something about that woman I don't trust. Johnny: But you want your dad to be happy, right? Mavis: Yes. Just n.. 2019. 4. 2.
GMP Study_2019.03.18 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 18 (월) POPS Ben folds / The Luckiest Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Drac: I'm jsut very nervous. You see, I haven't had a date since my wife died. Ericka: How old was your daughter? Drac: She was just an infant. It was hard being a single dad, but I... I did my best. Ericka: I never knew my mother, either, or my fath.. 2019. 4. 2.
[도쿄] 아키하바라. 내겐 별로 매력없는 동네 이게 게임이나 애니 같은거 크게 관심없으면, 들어가도 감흥이 없어..나랑 안 맞다. 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 오다이바 건담 스태츄 와 건담이다! 건알못이라 뭐가 뭔지 모른다. 와 대빵 큰 건담이다! 그냥 흰색 건담이 주인공인 것 같다. 멋있고 불도 나온다. 듣기론 모델 교체 작업을 했다던데. 설마.. 일반인들은 건담 모델도 모를텐데 착각이지 싶다. 확실히 가까이서 보니까 멋지다. 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 오다이바 이타샤 축제 건담 보러 갔다가 세상 신기한 풍경을 보게 된다. 찾아보니 이타샤(?)축제. 코스튬이나 튜닝한 자동차들을 말하나보다. 궁금해서 또 가봤다. 입장료 1,500엔. 자기 차에 저럴 수 있는 용기와 경제력에 놀랐고. 세상에 저런 사람들이 천명씩 된다는데 더 놀랐다. 신기한 경험. 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 나리타 공항 1터미널에서 도쿄역 가기(1000엔 버스) 싼데 1시간 10분이면 간다. 이상한 기차보다 낫다. South wing 남쪽 날개로 나올 수 있는데 여기서 밖으로 나가려 기를 쓰다 보면 버스들이 서 있는 곳이 나온다. 거기 옆에 케이세이 버스 매표소와 리무진 버스 매표소가 있는데 케이세이버스가 1000엔 버스다. 여기서는 시간맞춰 예약 잡아놔야한다. 표 사고, 31번 버스 타는 곳으로. 줄 서 있다 보면 캐리어에 번호표 붙이고, 파란버스오면 타면 된다. 1시간 10분 정도 걸리는데. 이게 최상인듯하다. 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 기내 반입 가능 빈용기, 지퍼백 구매하기 돈키호테에서는 하나당 250엔 정도로 오히려 더 비싼 빈 용기... 울며 겨자먹기로 샀는데.... LOFT에서는 용기도 더 다양하고 예쁘고, 심지어.. 싸다.. 180엔 이하... 기내 반입은 100ml가 한계이니.. 빈용기와 지퍼백이 필요한데, LOFT travel 코너에 보면 이리도 잘 구비되어 있다. 딴건 헉하게 비싼데 몰스킨이라던지, 몰스킨이라던지 이런건 뭐... 100ml이하 빈용기 구입은 LOFT에서 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 나리타 공항 1터미널 충전 위치 1터미널 대기 의자들 보면 검은색 기둥에 녹색 불이 들어오는 의자들이 있다. 110v 충전과 USB A포트로 충전이 가능하다. 2019. 4. 1.
[도쿄] 도쿄역에서 JR버스칸토 타고 나리타 공항가기 JR칸토 버스 타고 가려면 도쿄역에서 7번 라인에 서 있으면 된다. (표산다고 여기 가면 돌려보낸다..) Pay on the bus. 1000엔은 버스에 바로 내면 됨. 인당 캐리어는 1개 2019. 4. 1.
갤럭시 S8 One ui 업데이트 http://doc.samsungmobile.com/SM-G950N/LUC/doc.html빌드번호 : G950NKSU3DSBB안드로이드 버전 : Pie(Android 9)릴리즈 일자 : 2019-03-11보안 패치 레벨 : 2019-02-01 One UI 업그레이드 (안드로이드 Pie OS) One UI가 적용되었습니다. 삼성과 Google의 안드로이드 Pie OS에서 제공하는 완전히 새로워진 디자인과 놀라운 기능을 즐겨 보세요. 업그레이드를 진행하기 전 중요한 데이터는 항상 백업해 두는 것을 권장합니다. 일부 앱의 경우, 소프트웨어를 업데이트한 후에 반드시 앱별로 자체 업데이트를 진행해야 합니다. (계산기, 삼성 인터넷, Samsung Health, Samsung Notes, Samsung Member.. 2019. 3. 19.
GMP Study_2019.03.18 20193월 3주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 18 (월)POPSBen folds / The LuckiestBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDrac: I'm jsut very nervous. You see, I haven't had a date since my wife died.Ericka: How old was your daughter?Drac: She was just an infant. It was hard being a single dad, but I... I did my best.Ericka: I never knew my mother, either, or my father.The compa.. 2019. 3. 18.
GMP Study_2019.03.14 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 14 (목)POPSSting / Englishman in New YorkBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDrac: Holy moly, that was a lot of guacamole.Ericka: Are you feeling all right?Drac: Totally fine. Why?Ericka: No reason.Drac: Oh... There must have been garlic in the guacamole.Ericka: Oh, no. Isn't that deadly for you?Drac: No, no, no. It's just that .. 2019. 3. 18.
GMP Study_2019.03.13 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 13 (수)POPSSting / Englishman in New YorkBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsFrankSorry, Drac. You know, it's just...we've never seen you like this.DracI know, I knowIt doesn't make any sense.You can't Zing twice! It's impossible!But I did! So now what?And what about Mavis?MurrayShe wants you to be happy, right?I'm sure she'll g.. 2019. 3. 18.