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[KBS World News English] Gaesong Businesses Seek to Return to Shut-down Factory Park http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=e&id=IK&Seq_Code=142124 Gaesong Businesses Seek to Return to Shut-down Factory Park Anchor: South Korean business people who had production bases at the now-shut down inter-Korean Gaesong Industrial Complex are seeking to visit to check on their assets left in the North. They again applied for permission to make a cross-border trip as North Korea.. 2019. 1. 9.
GMP Study_2018.12.31 2018 12월 5주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 31 (월) POPS Tim McGraw / Live like you were dying Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Valiente: I'm already done. Ferdinand: oh, sure. That makes total sense. You're either a fighter or you're meat, right? Valiente: That's right. Ferdinand: It doesn't have to be that way. You're more than just a set of horns. Come with us Valiente: Huh... So I can sn.. 2019. 1. 3.
[KBS World News English] Former Inspector to be Questioned over Surveillance Claims http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=e&id=Po&Seq_Code=141967 Former Inspector to be Questioned over Surveillance(n. 감시, 사찰) Claims The prosecution on Thursday will question a former investigator at the presidential office regarding his claim that the top office illegally monitored civilians. Kim Tae-woo, a former prosecution investigator who was on a special inspection team at the p.. 2019. 1. 3.
[English] 2019년을 자신의 해로 만들기 위해_The New Year Resolution IF you want 2019 to be your year;2019년을 당신의 해로 만들기 위해서; Don't sit on the couch and wait for it.소파에 앉지말고 Go out. 나가라. Make a change.변화를 만들어라. Smile More. Be excited.더 웃고, 더 신나게 Do new thing.새로운 걸 시작해라. Throw away what you've been cluttering.복잡했던 걸 던저버리고 Unfollow negative people on social media.SNS에 불필요한 사람들은 언팔로우 해라. Go to bed early. Wake up early.일찍 자고 일찍 일어나라. Be fierce.치열하라. Don't gossip.험담말고 .. 2019. 1. 1.
[KBS World News English] Another Challenging Year Ahead for S. Korea Economy in 2019 http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=e&id=Ec&Seq_Code=141926Another Challenging Year Ahead for S. Korea Economy in 2019 Anchor: Two-thousand-nineteen is likely to be another challenging year for South Korea’s economy, with experts blaming a combination of external factors and policy steps by the Moon administration(문재인 정부).Kurt Achin has this report. Report: The government’s own eco.. 2018. 12. 31.
[드라마] 역대급 PPL 탄생! 알함브라 궁전의 추억 E07 TVN 드라마 알함브라 궁전의 추억 에피소드 7화(E07) 갑자기 서브웨이(Subway) 나왔는데위화감 하나도 없는 제휴 업체와 게임속 아이템화 ㄷㄷ 이거 뭔데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 드라마도 미치게 재밌는데PPL 이렇게 하는 거 사기아님?? 와... 너무 자연스러웠다. 참고로PPL은Product PLacement제품 간접 광고 2018. 12. 29.
[Movie] 인크레더블 헐크에서 노튼이 만든 소다(주스)는? 마블 시네마틱 유니버스 페이즈 1 인크레더블 헐크에서주인공은 몸을 숨기고 브라질의 공장에서 일을 하게 된다.여기서 주스를 만드는 일을 하게 되는데 인크레더블 헐크에서 주인공(에드워드 노튼)이 브라질에서 만든 주스는PINGO DOCE사에서 만든 Pingo Doce 소다(SODA).Pingo는 포르투갈어로 Drop,Doce는 포르투갈어로 Sweet을 의미한다그 소다를 스탠 리(Stan Lee)가 마시고 쓰러진다(freaked out) 헐크 위에 있는 스탠리의 위엄.실제로 비슷한 소다로 과라나 소다(Guarana Soda)가 있긴한데 실제로 판매하지는 않는 것 같다. 헐크의 피부색과 비슷하게 그냥 만든 듯. Not for sale 되시겠다. 잠깐 영어: Movie Prop(출처)1. You have to pr.. 2018. 12. 29.
[KBS World News English] Gov't Confirms Measures to Deal with Communications Blackout http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=e&id=Dm&Seq_Code=141877 Gov't Confirms Measures to Deal with Communications Blackout Those staying in an area paralyzed by a communication blackout will be able to temporarily access communications services they are not subscribed to. According to the Ministry of Science and ICT(과학기술정보통신부), the backup measure(지원조치) was confirmed in a meeting pres.. 2018. 12. 28.
[KBS World News English] Bus Fares to Increase Next Year Ahead of 52-Hour Workweek System http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=e&id=Ec&Seq_Code=141862 Bus Fares to Increase Next Year Ahead of 52-Hour Workweek System주 52시간 근무제 Fares for intra-city(시내), inter-city(시외) and express buses(고속) will rise from the first half of next year to reflect an increased burden on bus operators after the 52-hour workweek system is enforced in July of next year. The Transport Ministry said.. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.27 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 27 (목) POPS Jamie T / Power over men Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions El Primero: That one is the best bull. I'll fight him in Madrid tomorrow. Lupe: Oh, this is bad. You got selected by El Primero. Do you know what this meas? Angus: A sword through his melon! Bones: Horns on the wall. Lupe: Exactly, Maquina. We gotta get you outta here now! Arrow.. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.26 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 26 (수) POPS Jamie T / Power over men Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: You get to fight in a big fancy arena, but I'm telling you, it's just another chop house. Valiente: Why would I believe a coward, who thinks the only way out is through the back door? 겁쟁이, 비겁자 Ferdinand: Are you crazy? Did you not hear what I said? 올리버쌤 (X) Do you hav.. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.25 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 25 (화) POPS Nat King Cole / the Christmas Song Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: He was the bravest bull I knew. He really believed he could beat the matador. All of them did. the bull never wins. Lupe: Come on, Ferd. Let's get you home. Una: The door to freedom. Ferd, what are you doing? Lupe: Come on, we gotta go now! Ferdinand: No. I .. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.24 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 24 (월) POPS Nat King Cole / the Christmas Song Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: Let's bust outta bere, Lupe. Lupe: And go where? This is it, Ferd. It's a dog-eat-dog, bull-fight-bull, everybody-hate-goat world. Ferdinand: It doesn't have to be that way. I'll take you to my home. It's different there. And Nina.. Nina will love you. Lupe:.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.20 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 20 (목) POPS Wham / Last Christmas Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: You know, there's a lot of... a lot of pollen in the air this time of year. Bones: That's right, a lot of pollen. Makes my eyes water. Ferdinand: Hey, I'm really sorry about Guapo. I know you guys were friends. Bones: Bulls don't have friends, Ferd. Guapo was my competit.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.19 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 19 (수) POPS Wham / Last Christmas Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: There are places out there where you don't get pushed around, or shipped to a chop house for being yourself. Valiente: If it's so great out there, why did they send you back here? Bones: Yeah, Ferd, why did they send you back here? Ferdinand: Well, because..... Valiente:.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.18 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 18 (화) POPS Jessica Simpson / These boots are made for walking Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Valiente: Guapo was never going to make it to the ring. We all knew that. Ferdinand: And so, because of that, he deserves to go there? Valiente: Listen to me, Flower Bull. Things have changed around here since you ran away. Now, you're either a fighter .. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.17 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 17 (월) POPS Jessica Simpson / These boots are made for walking Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Moreno: I have a new bull. I think will be perfect for you. El Primero: Zip! only El Primero knows who is the bset. Moreno: Sorry. I meant no disrespect. El Primero: And yet, I felt disrespect. Now what is the best bedroom in the house? Moreno: Uh... Mi.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.13 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 13 (목) POPS Take me home, Country Road/ John Denver Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Hans: Beautiful horsies stay here, and you ugly beasts stay there. Greta: Don't even think of coming over to our side. Or we'll alert the humans. Klaus: Yeah. Sucks to be you. Hans: There is no escape. Greta: Nothing gets past us Hans: Never ever never. LA for -in.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.12 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 12 (수) POPS Take me home, Country Road/ John Denver Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Lupe: You're the bull who destroyed a whole village, right? Ferdinand: Wrong! It was an accident. Lupe: And did you really eat a baby? Ferdinand: You think I ate a baby? Lupe: Not denying it. Interesting. Ferdinand: Denying it! Definitely denying it. Lupe: Whoo! H.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.11 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 11 (화) POPS World On Sticks / Sam Phillips Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand This doesn't make any sense. I'm not a little calf anymore. So what? More of me to love. and besides, bigger bull, bigger helper. I'm going. No, no, no. Juan said no. Juan said no. I'm not going. It's settled, 더이상 여지가 없어. but Nina will be miserable without me. Sh.. 2018. 12. 24.