english158 [GMP Study] 11월 5일차 201811월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAValerian 11. 5 (월)POPSAttention / Charlie Puth Beyond CinemaAdditional Expressions L: Look, we both know you're quite a lady-killer . So why do you lose interest in a girl as soon as you win her heart? 봐봐요, 우리 모두 당신이 상당한 바람둥인걸 알고 있다구요. V: 'Cause I'm looking for the perfect woman. L: But you've never stopped to look. V: That's not a crime. L: No, it's not a crime, but .. 2018. 11. 6. [GMP Study] 11월 2일차 201811월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAValerian 11. 2 (금)POPSSunset Jesus Beyond CinemaAdditional Expressions [weekly Q&A] Treasure it. 소중히 여겨. 가보로 간직해. Refrig. 냉장고 Keep refrigrated. Freezer. 냉동고 Keep frozen. Show them how you do it. 평소처럼 해 [English Poem] Sonnet 116/William Shakespeare Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediment; love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bend.. 2018. 11. 6. [English] in plain sight 뜻 in plain sight. 눈에 잘띄는 곳에서. 2018. 8. 26. [ENGLISH] (iirc) 뜻 iirc 뜻 if i remember correctly 내 기억이 맞다면 2018. 8. 24. [English] go through, come through, get through 뜻 go through : 겪다, 통과하다 come through : 성공적으로 해내다, 통과하다 get through : 합격하다, 통과하다 2018. 6. 18. [English] Walking on sunshine 뜻 I’m Walking on Sunshine I’m floating on air 기분이 너무 좋아 2018. 6. 15. [English] Play it by ear 뜻 Play it by ear 즉흥적으로 하다 2018. 6. 11. [English] It was pipe dream 뜻 It was a pipe dream 뜻 그건 허황된 꿈이었어. 2018. 6. 11. [English] Over my dead body 뜻 Over My Dead Body 뜻 우리말로 '내 눈에 흙이 들어가도!' 2018. 6. 11. [English] She's on a mission 뜻 She’s on a mission 남자를 꼬시다 2018. 6. 11. [English] Playing hooky 뜻 Playing hooky 뜻 땡땡이 치다 2018. 6. 11. [English] Sweep it under the rug 뜻 Sweep it under the rug 뜻 비밀로 담아 두다. 비밀을 지키다. Spill the bean 뜻비밀을 누설하다. 비밀을 폭로하다 Keep it under wraps 뜻비밀로 담아 두다. 비밀을 지키다. 2018. 6. 11. [English] Pain in the ass 뜻 Pain in the ass 뜻 귀찮은 존재, 사람, 일 2018. 6. 10. [English] 답답하다. Where are you at? I’m in the checkout line at the store still. How long have you been there? It’s taking forever. I’m so frustrated. I'm very frustrated about where I am in my life right now.I'm so frustrated right now. I don't know what to do. 2018. 5. 23. [English] 대충 이해했어 vs 다 알아들었어 I roughly understood it. 대충 이해했어 I got the gist of it. 어느 정도 이해했어 It was crystal clear to me.완벽하게 알아들었어 2018. 5. 23. [English] 영어공부하기 좋은 유튜버(Youtube creators) [한국인, Korean]Aran TV 날라리데이브 [외국인, Foreigner] linguamarina The English Coach English Like A Native 2018. 4. 6. [English] English Expression_영화 볼 때 나오는 영어 표현 AAF. as fuck BbadI'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me. 난 악당이야. 그걸로 좋아. 난 결코 착한 편이 되지 않을 거야. 그것도 나쁘지 않아. 나보다 더 나은 것 없어. [주먹왕 랄프, Wreck it Ralph]bae. before anyone else bumper sticker: 식상한 것. Turns out, real life’s a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. 알게됐죠. 현실은 범퍼스티커의 슬로건보다 복잡하다는 걸. [주토피아, Zootopia]burn.. 2018. 3. 22. [Accounting] 회계용어 영어로(Balance Sheet in English) / Balance Sheet in Korean 자산 부채/자본 [ 자산(ASSETS) ] 1. 유동자산(current assets) (1) 당좌자산(quick assets) (2) 재고자산(inventories) 2. 고정자산(fixed assets/non-current assets) (1) 투자자산(investments) (2) 유형자산(tangible assets) (3) 무형자산(intangible assets) [ 부채(LIABILITIES) ] 1. 유동부채(current liabilities) 2. 고정부채(long-term liabilities) [ 자본(OWNER'S EQUITY) ] 1.자본금(capital stock) 2.자본잉여금(capital surplus) 3.이익잉여금(retained earnings) / 누적결손금(accu.. 2018. 2. 27. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 다음