정보모음/언어, English169 GMP Study_2019.03.20 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 20 (수) POPS Barry White / You're the first, the last, my everything. Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ericka: You saved my life. Drac: Of course. Why wouldn't I? Ericka: I just can't believe you would do that for a human. Drac: Humans, monsters; what's the difference? Ericka: Yeah, right. Right. Wait. What are you doin.. 2019. 4. 2. GMP Study_2019.03.19 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 19 (화) POPS Ben folds / The Luckiest Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Mavis: What was that about? Johnny: You mean your dad's date? Mavis: It wasn't a date. It was work stuff. I'm telling you, Johnny, there is something about that woman I don't trust. Johnny: But you want your dad to be happy, right? Mavis: Yes. Just n.. 2019. 4. 2. GMP Study_2019.03.18 2019 3월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation 3. 18 (월) POPS Ben folds / The Luckiest Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Drac: I'm jsut very nervous. You see, I haven't had a date since my wife died. Ericka: How old was your daughter? Drac: She was just an infant. It was hard being a single dad, but I... I did my best. Ericka: I never knew my mother, either, or my fath.. 2019. 4. 2. GMP Study_2019.03.18 20193월 3주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 18 (월)POPSBen folds / The LuckiestBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDrac: I'm jsut very nervous. You see, I haven't had a date since my wife died.Ericka: How old was your daughter?Drac: She was just an infant. It was hard being a single dad, but I... I did my best.Ericka: I never knew my mother, either, or my father.The compa.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.14 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 14 (목)POPSSting / Englishman in New YorkBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDrac: Holy moly, that was a lot of guacamole.Ericka: Are you feeling all right?Drac: Totally fine. Why?Ericka: No reason.Drac: Oh... There must have been garlic in the guacamole.Ericka: Oh, no. Isn't that deadly for you?Drac: No, no, no. It's just that .. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.13 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 13 (수)POPSSting / Englishman in New YorkBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsFrankSorry, Drac. You know, it's just...we've never seen you like this.DracI know, I knowIt doesn't make any sense.You can't Zing twice! It's impossible!But I did! So now what?And what about Mavis?MurrayShe wants you to be happy, right?I'm sure she'll g.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.12 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 12 (화)POPSKaty perry / Chained to the rhythmBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsVan Helsing: And now, after 120 years, I have finally found Atlangis.ErickaOh, forget about all this! Let me get rid of Dracula right now.I was so close to him, I could've just...Van HelsingNo, no, no, no!We have to stick to the plan.Lure the monste.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.11 20193월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 11 (월)POPSKaty perry / Chained to the rhythmBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsErickaYou must be the one and only Dracula.I have waited so long to meet you.Wow, you really don't age, do you?I would kill for your skinDrac: Eh doobeeday shoolah eh koobeeday?Ericka: Oh. You're speaking Transylvanian. Oh. Always wanted to learnLA한.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.07 20193월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 7 (목)POPSDionne Warwick / Taht's What friends are forBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDrac: Why are we on a plane? We can fly, you know.Vlad: Back in my day, people took trains. Now, that's classy.Drac: Sure, Dad. Forty hours in a closet-sized room with you and Uncle Bernie and his smelly cigars, arguing who was more attract.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.06 20193월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 6 (수)POPSDionne Warwick / Taht's What friends are forBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsMavis: Stop trying to hide it from me.Drac: Hide? Who? I mean, what? Me?Mavis: Yes. And I know what it is.Drac: Uh... Really?Mavis: You're stressed out from working too hard.Drac: Oh! Okay, yes. You got me, yes. Hey, it's a big hotel, you k.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.05 20193월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 5 (화)POPSRoberta Flack / Killing me softly with his songBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsFrank: What's the matter, Drac? You didn't like her?Griffin: No offense, but you can't be too picky. You haven't had a date in a hundred years.Drac: Look, guys, I appreciate your concern, but it's it's not up to me. You only Zing once, a.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.03.04 20193월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAHotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation3. 4 (월)POPSRoberta Flack / Killing me softly with his songBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsMavis: Please try to relax, Lucy. I've taken care of everything. The wedding is going to be perfect.Lucy: It's not that. Just, how do I know I'm doing the right thing?Mavis: I know just how you feel. The day I married Johnny was the best.. 2019. 3. 18. GMP Study_2019.02.28 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 28 (목)POPSKansas / Dust in the windBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsVick: I said even if Margot had survived the fall she took, it wouldn't have mattered. She still would've had to live five days without water.Police: And how did David respond?Vick: He told them to turn the car around.Police: Why?Vick: He said it'd been two days.LAPace yourself.This is go.. 2019. 3. 4. GMP Study_2019.02.27 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 27 (수)POPSKansas / Dust in the windBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsVick: She was a good kid.Police: So he decided to give her money back.Vick: He had to come clean. It was over. 솔직히 털어놓으려고 했대요.Poilce: Why didn't he just give it to her at school?Vick: Margot coul've reacted the wrong way in public. Robert does not like that kind of attention.Police: So he.. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.26 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 26 (화)POPSAnthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton / FreedomBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsHannah: You must have the wrong number. I'm talent, not representation, but I can connect you to my agent if you'd like.David: So you work as a waitress part-time, then? Because you told the detective you were on a shift when she called.Hannah: Uh... What detective?David.. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.25 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 25 (월)POPSAnthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton / FreedomBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsPeter: You want to know why she hated those piano lessons? It's because every time she would walk in, she would see that thing and she would think about her mother.David: She told you that? She told you that and not me? Why?Peter: Because you never asked. Pops' TaleFelt .. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.21 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 21 (목)POPSBeyonce / If I were a boyBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsVick: It's my fault for getting you involved in the first place. I did it because we had already lost so much time.David: You're cutting me off?Vick: Every professional who should be working on this case is working on this case.David: All I'm trying to do is to help you find my daughter!V.. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.20 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 20 (수)POPSBeyonce / If I were a boyBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsNews1: A search through the Santa Cruz forest is now underway for a local teen whos car was found dumped in a lake.News2: Authorities are asking anyone with information to please call the hotline or 911 immediately.Vick: Starting at 1:00 p.m., we'll be assigning every volunteer to a searc.. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.19 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 19 (화)POPSJohn Mayer / My stupid mouthBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDavid: I know why she was at that intersection. She wasn't leaving town. She was driving to the spot she's been visiting for the past five months. It's 3:45 a.m. I'm headed there now.Vick: Hey. Where are you?David: You told me she ran away, Vick.Vick: Are... Are you at the lake?목적론: te.. 2019. 3. 1. GMP Study_2019.02.18 20192월 4주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMASearching2. 18 (월)POPSJohn Mayer / My stupid mouthBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsVick: That it's time to start considering the possibility that Margot ran away.David: Why would she do that?Vick That's what we don't know.David: Why would she do that? She called me three times in the middle of the night. Three times she called me. Why?Vick: We are going to figure out.. 2019. 3. 1. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 9 다음