2019 | 2월 4주 |
G.M.P STUDY | CINEMA | Searching |
2. 18 (월) | POPS | John Mayer / My stupid mouth |
Beyond Cinema | Additional Expressions |
Vick: That it's time to start considering the possibility that Margot ran away. David: Why would she do that? Vick That's what we don't know. David: Why would she do that? She called me three times in the middle of the night. Three times she called me. Why? Vick: We are going to figure out why.
the Good place It was close, but she didn't make it. You'll stand by my side no matter what. I'm not supposed to be here. What is the bad place like? For the record~ 분명히 말해서 Everyone here believes in my integrity(진실성) 100% it's also dead wrong. I've narrowed it down to two possiblities, Yes and No. Full disclosure~ 숨김없이 말하자면 It's all I deserve, really. 난 이래도 싸요. If there's a single glitch in the system, the whole neighborhood is compromised. 시스템에 하나의 오류만 있더라도 이 동네는 위험에 처하게 되요. But in my defense, there were only five minutes left. 변명을 좀 하자면 I can stop my deliverations. 더 이상 고민할 필요 없겠어요. Oh man. I swear I won't let you down. Okay, Fine. Now you got a long way to go to pull this off. 이제 이 일을 해내려면 갈 길이 멀어요.
Pops' Tale |
My stupid mouth Has got me in trouble I said too much again to a date over dinner yesterday And I could see she was offended. She said, "Well anyway..." Just dying for a subject change.
Word Block Play |
Fa~: 말하다 You must not leave infants by themselves. 갓난 아기는 혼자 두면 안 됩니다. We tried infantry, now bring in the cavalry. 보병은 시도해봤으니, 이제 기병을 투입시켜. US infantry divisions landed on Normandy. 미국 보병 군단들이 노르만디에 상륙했다.