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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.25

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 3. 1.

2월 4주

2. 25 (월)
Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton / Freedom
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • Peter: You want to know why she hated those piano lessons? It's because every time she would walk in, she would see that thing and she would think about her mother.
  • David: She told you that? She told you that and not me? Why?
  • Peter: Because you never asked.

Pops' Tale
  • Felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.
  • Pressure to break or retreat at every turn.
  • Facing the fear that the truth, I discovered.
  • No telling how all this will work out,
  • But I've come too far to go back now.
Word Block Play
  • Pri: 뜯어내다.
    • Pry: 뜯어내다, 남의 것을 함부로 훔쳐보다
    • Deprive: 추방하다, 혼자 떼어놓다 > 박탈하다
    • Privation: 박탈당한 상태, 간절히 원하는 것을 구하지도 갖지도 못하는 불행한 상황
  • I am sorry, I don't mean to pry, but... 사생활을 침해하려는 것은 아니지만....
  • Some Central Africans are deprived of basic necessities of life. 중앙 아시아에는 아주 기본적인 삶의 필수조건도 제공받지 못하는 사람들이 있다.
  • He passed away from privation of air. 그는 산소가 몸에 전해지지 않아 죽었다. 


'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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