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GMP Study_2019.01.08 20191월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAA dog’s purpose1. 8 (화)POPSRed Hot Chill Pepper / CalifornicationBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsEthan: May I please be excused? I need to take Bailey out for a walk.Elizabeth: Sure, honey.Ethan: Go on, do it. Please, Bailey. Please, Bailey, do it. Come on.Bailey: What does he want from me? I really wish I knew what he was saying.Ethan: Go!, Go, come on! What's your.. 2019. 1. 11.
GMP Study_2019.01.07 20191월 2주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAA dog’s purpose1. 7 (월)POPSRed Hot Chill Pepper / CalifornicationBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsBoss: Um, are you still collecting coins?Jim: Oh, sureBoss: What.. What’s your showpiece?Jim: Nineteen-oh-seven Saint-Gaudens Golden Eagle.Ellen: Oh! Well, Herman, I don’t know anything about coins, but I know that that is special.Elizabeth: That is specialBoss: That is .. 2019. 1. 11.
GMP Study_2019.01.03 20191월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAA dog’s purpose1. 3 (목)POPSChrisette Michele / Love is youBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsBailey: I liked the old humans. They got me.그들은 날 이해할거야Elizabeth: Would you please stop feeding the dog? We’re trying to train him.Bill: Ah.Fran: I told you.Bill: You caught me. I’m sorry딱 걸렸네Fran: Could you pass me the jam, please?잼 좀 넘겨줘Bailey: When I wasn’t thinking about fo.. 2019. 1. 11.
GMP Study_2019.01.02 20191월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAA dog’s purpose1. 2 (수)POPSChrisette Michele / Love is youBeyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDog: I never knew there might be such a thing as a boyEthan: Tired, huh?Elizabeth: I think this little guy is gonna make it.Ethan: Can we keep him, Mom?Elizabeth: I don’t know, I think your father might not..Dog: I decided right then and there I am definitely keeping this boy.E.. 2019. 1. 11.
GMP Study_2019.01.01 20191월 1주 G.M.P STUDYCINEMAA dog’s purpose1. 1 (화)POPS Tim McGraw / Live like you were dying Beyond CinemaAdditional ExpressionsDogWhat is the meaning of life?Are we here for a reason?Is there a point to any of this?First, I had no idea what was going on.I, I couldn’t see a thing. It was warm.There was my mother.Every day I had fun.Was having fun the point?Weanv. to accustom to take nourishment .. 2019. 1. 11.
GMP Study_2018.12.31 2018 12월 5주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 31 (월) POPS Tim McGraw / Live like you were dying Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Valiente: I'm already done. Ferdinand: oh, sure. That makes total sense. You're either a fighter or you're meat, right? Valiente: That's right. Ferdinand: It doesn't have to be that way. You're more than just a set of horns. Come with us Valiente: Huh... So I can sn.. 2019. 1. 3.
GMP Study_2018.12.27 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 27 (목) POPS Jamie T / Power over men Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions El Primero: That one is the best bull. I'll fight him in Madrid tomorrow. Lupe: Oh, this is bad. You got selected by El Primero. Do you know what this meas? Angus: A sword through his melon! Bones: Horns on the wall. Lupe: Exactly, Maquina. We gotta get you outta here now! Arrow.. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.26 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 26 (수) POPS Jamie T / Power over men Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: You get to fight in a big fancy arena, but I'm telling you, it's just another chop house. Valiente: Why would I believe a coward, who thinks the only way out is through the back door? 겁쟁이, 비겁자 Ferdinand: Are you crazy? Did you not hear what I said? 올리버쌤 (X) Do you hav.. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.25 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 25 (화) POPS Nat King Cole / the Christmas Song Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: He was the bravest bull I knew. He really believed he could beat the matador. All of them did. the bull never wins. Lupe: Come on, Ferd. Let's get you home. Una: The door to freedom. Ferd, what are you doing? Lupe: Come on, we gotta go now! Ferdinand: No. I .. 2018. 12. 27.
GMP Study_2018.12.24 2018 12월 4주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 24 (월) POPS Nat King Cole / the Christmas Song Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: Let's bust outta bere, Lupe. Lupe: And go where? This is it, Ferd. It's a dog-eat-dog, bull-fight-bull, everybody-hate-goat world. Ferdinand: It doesn't have to be that way. I'll take you to my home. It's different there. And Nina.. Nina will love you. Lupe:.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.20 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 20 (목) POPS Wham / Last Christmas Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: You know, there's a lot of... a lot of pollen in the air this time of year. Bones: That's right, a lot of pollen. Makes my eyes water. Ferdinand: Hey, I'm really sorry about Guapo. I know you guys were friends. Bones: Bulls don't have friends, Ferd. Guapo was my competit.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.19 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 19 (수) POPS Wham / Last Christmas Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: There are places out there where you don't get pushed around, or shipped to a chop house for being yourself. Valiente: If it's so great out there, why did they send you back here? Bones: Yeah, Ferd, why did they send you back here? Ferdinand: Well, because..... Valiente:.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.18 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 18 (화) POPS Jessica Simpson / These boots are made for walking Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Valiente: Guapo was never going to make it to the ring. We all knew that. Ferdinand: And so, because of that, he deserves to go there? Valiente: Listen to me, Flower Bull. Things have changed around here since you ran away. Now, you're either a fighter .. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.17 2018 12월 3주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 17 (월) POPS Jessica Simpson / These boots are made for walking Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Moreno: I have a new bull. I think will be perfect for you. El Primero: Zip! only El Primero knows who is the bset. Moreno: Sorry. I meant no disrespect. El Primero: And yet, I felt disrespect. Now what is the best bedroom in the house? Moreno: Uh... Mi.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.13 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 13 (목) POPS Take me home, Country Road/ John Denver Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Hans: Beautiful horsies stay here, and you ugly beasts stay there. Greta: Don't even think of coming over to our side. Or we'll alert the humans. Klaus: Yeah. Sucks to be you. Hans: There is no escape. Greta: Nothing gets past us Hans: Never ever never. LA for -in.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.12 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 12 (수) POPS Take me home, Country Road/ John Denver Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Lupe: You're the bull who destroyed a whole village, right? Ferdinand: Wrong! It was an accident. Lupe: And did you really eat a baby? Ferdinand: You think I ate a baby? Lupe: Not denying it. Interesting. Ferdinand: Denying it! Definitely denying it. Lupe: Whoo! H.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.11 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 11 (화) POPS World On Sticks / Sam Phillips Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand This doesn't make any sense. I'm not a little calf anymore. So what? More of me to love. and besides, bigger bull, bigger helper. I'm going. No, no, no. Juan said no. Juan said no. I'm not going. It's settled, 더이상 여지가 없어. but Nina will be miserable without me. Sh.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.10 2018 12월 2주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 10 (월) POPS God only knows / The beach boys Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Nina: There you are. You ready to go? Juan: I'm sorry, Nina. Ferdinand can't come to the festival this year. Nina: But he goes with us every year. Juan: I know, but he is not a little calf anymore. Nina: Then I won't go either. Juan: Listen, honey. It's for his own good. .. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.06 2018 12월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 06 (목) POPS God only knows / The beach boys Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Paco: A dog and a bull can't be brothers. That would be weird. Ferdinand: Really? Then why does your tail wag when I call you "brother", Brother? 왜 꼬리를 흔드는 거야? Paco: Hey. Stop that. Hah! Ferdinand: Looks like weird is the new normal, buddy. 새로운 평범한 것 Come on, before every.. 2018. 12. 24.
GMP Study_2018.12.05 2018 12월 1주 G.M.P STUDY CINEMA Ferdinand 12. 05 (수) POPS That don't impress me much / Shania twain Beyond Cinema Additional Expressions Ferdinand: Can I be a champ without fighting, maybe? Ferd's Dad: Oh, Ferdinand. I really wish the world worked like that for you. I do. But that's just not how it is for us. You understand? Okay, it's time. Ferdinand: You're gonna come bck, right? Ferd's Dad: Wh.. 2018. 12. 24.