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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.19

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 3. 1.

2월 4주

2. 19 (화)
John Mayer / My stupid mouth
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • David: I know why she was at that intersection. She wasn't leaving town. She was driving to the spot she's been visiting for the past five months. It's 3:45 a.m. I'm headed there now.
  • Vick: Hey. Where are you?
  • David: You told me she ran away, Vick.
  • Vick: Are... Are you at the lake?
  • 목적론: teleological theory
  • 의무론: deontological theory
  • 공리주의: utilitarianism
  • 회의주의: skepticism
  • make it.
  • stand by
  • no matter what.
  • not supposed to
  • What ~ like?
  • For the record
  • Full disclosure~ 
  • all I deserve
  • compromised
  • in my defense
  • deliverations

  • Heavy snow advisories. 대설주의보
  • Korea Meteorological Administration. 기상청
Pops' Tale
  • I'm never speaking up again.
  • It only hurts me.
  • I'd rather be a mystery
  • Than she desert me. 그녀가 날 차버리는 것 보단,
  • Oh I'm nver speaking up again
  • Starting now
Word Block Play
  • Fa~: 말하다
    • Profess: 발표하다, 증언하다, 선언하다, 연설하다
    • Professor: 한 분야에 몸을 바치겠다고 맹세한 사람 > 교수
    • Professional: 전문가, 전문적인
    • Profession: 직장
  • You profess to love your family? Do what you profess. 너는 항상 가족을 사랑한다고 주장하지? 주장하는 것을 실천해봐.
  • Teaching is not just a job. It's a profession. 선생님이라는 것은 그냥 일이 아니야. 그것은 업이야.
  • Leave it to him. He's a professional


'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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