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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.14

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 2. 14.
2월 3주

2. 14 (목)
Eagles / Desperado
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • David: She sent the moeny to herself? What was she doing, running a laundering scheme? 무슨 돈세탁이라도 한 건가요?
  • Vick: That's what it looks like. I'd see this a lot in narcotics. 마약반. People who know their money is being watched just transfer their funds to somewhere much less monitored.
  • This morning, I was at home.
  • I had just eaten breakfast.
  • Just as I was about to leave, 
  • I had to go to the bathroom really bad.

  • Las night, I had just gotten off work
  • I was in front of my office building.
  • And just as I was about to take the bus.
  • I noticed (that) I didn't have my wallet with me.
  • So what did you do? What else could I do?

  • A few days ago, I was in the school library. 
  • I had just finished (typing up) my report
  • (and) just as I was trying to send it to my professor.
  • I started having problems with my Wi-Fi connection!

  • This morning, I was at home
  • I had just gotten up.
  • And just as I was walking over to the bathroom,
  • I heard mother talking to someone downstairs.

  • 3 years ago, I had just graduated from school
  • and just as I was getting ready to get(find) a job,
  • my uncle passed away.
Pops' Tale
  • Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy.
  • She'll beat you if she's able.
  • you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.
  • Now it seems to me some fine things
  • Have been laid upon your table, 이제 좋은 패가 당신 테이블 위에 놓여 있는 것처럼 보이네요
  • But you only want the ones that you can't get
Word Block Play
  • Fa~: 말하다
    • Face 면
    • preface: 표지 전에 있는 말, 서문
    • surface: 표면
    • superficial: 표면적인, 깊이가 없는, 얄팍한
    • In face of: 건너편에, 면전에서, 직면하여
  • I don't judge book by its cover, but by its preface. 나는 책 표지를 보고 고르는게 아니라, 서문을 보고 골라.
  • You are so superficial! 너는 겉모습에 너무 집착해!
  • that's what it looks like on the surface. 겉에서 보면 그렇게 보이겠지



'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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