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정보모음/언어, English

[토익스피킹] 신유형 모의고사 모범 답변(그웬TV)

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 11. 24.



[모범답안은 유튜브 참조, 밑에는 그냥 내 대답 연습]


1. (장소) This is a picture taken at a cafe 

2. (사람) There's three people

3. (특정 사람) On the left side, there's a man who has beard and is wearing apron

4. (특정 사람) On the right side, there's two woman that one of them has blonde hair and one of them has curly hair

5. (행동) The man is handling with a card machine, maybe women are about to order foods


1. Actually, I'm living in a rural side, I didn't use buses as much as urban people, I usally make use of buses when I go to airport.

2. Mostly, when I take the bus to airport, the express bus stop is 20 minutes far from my home on foot.

1. In my case, I prefer to reserve a ticket in advance than go directly to a ticket counter.

2. Becasue bus has less than 45 seat and has more few seat that people feel comfortable.

1. When I was student, bus is so convenient because of timeliness. I've lived in Seoul, Korea

2. I think the reason why most of people take a bus is mostly it has very timely schedule, Environment is also important but while using the bus, we couldn't come to think of that.


Q7. When will the ceminar begin and end?

1. The ceminar will start at 9 am and will finish 3 pm. 

2. They have an hour lunch time.


Q8. Someone told me Emmit Lee will talk about Saving Time with Conference calls, Is that right?

1. I'm afraid you have wrong information.

2. The topic about Saving time with Conference calls will be held by Melissa Cobb.

3. And Emmitt Lee has role of Closing remarks. 

4. I hope you to know correctly.

Q9. Which session are supposed to lead by Jeffrey Blair.

1. There are two session that Jeffrey Blair will give a presentation.

2. One of them is Fairly Coordinating Shift Schedules at 11 am

3. Rest of them is Designating tasks for Maximum efficency that wil be held at 1 pm.

4. I think Jeffrey Blair will present very well and It will be also very good for us.



