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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.27

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 3. 1.

2월 4주

2. 27 (수)
Kansas / Dust in the wind
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • Vick: She was a good kid.
  • Police: So he decided to give her money back.
  • Vick: He had to come clean. It was over. 솔직히 털어놓으려고 했대요.
  • Poilce: Why didn't he just give it to her at school?
  • Vick: Margot coul've reacted the wrong way in public. Robert does not like that kind of attention.
  • Police: So he followed her.
  • What are you keep looking at?
  • Oh, It's nothing. It's just that, that guy looks kind of familiar. I think I know him
  • the guy over there sitting at the bus stop?
  • the guy next to him with glasses, looking at his phone.
Pops' Tale
  • I close my eyes only for a momoent.
  • And the momont's gone.
  • All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity.
  • Dust in the wind.
  • All they are is dust in the wind.
Word Block Play
  • Pri: 뜯어내다.
    • Private. 타인에게 노출시키기 싫은, 개인적인, 사적인
    • Privacy. 고립을 즐길 권리 > 타인에게 노출하기 싫은 나만의 일 > 사생활
  • Please do not invade my privacy.
  • This is private matter.


'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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