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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.26

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 3. 1.

2월 4주

2. 26 (화)
Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton / Freedom
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • Hannah: You must have the wrong number. I'm talent, not representation, but I can connect you to my agent if you'd like.
  • David: So you work as a waitress part-time, then? Because you told the detective you were on a shift when she called.
  • Hannah: Uh... What detective?
  • David: I don't understand. Detective Vick.

Pops' Tale
  • Oh not giving up has always been hard, so hard,
  • But if I do the things the easy way I won't get far.
  • Mhm, life hasn't beenn very kind to me lately, (Well)
  • But I suppose it's a push for moving on. (Oh yeah)
  • In time the sun's gonna shine on me nicely. (One day, yeah)
  • Sonthing tells me good things are coming
  • And I ain't gonna not believe.
Word Block Play
  • Pri: 뜯어내다.
    • Privy: 특정 정보를 받을 수 있는, 특권을 가진
    • Privy Chamber: 왕이 개인 직원들과 만나는 일반인들과 분리된 방
    • Privilege: Privy를 가지는 것, 특권
  • Only VIPs and above are privy to this information.
  • You should consider yourself previleged!
  • I was made Lord of the Privy Chamber. 나는 왕의 개인 직원으로 선출되었다. 


'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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GMP Study_2019.02.21  (0) 2019.03.01
GMP Study_2019.02.20  (0) 2019.03.01
