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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.18

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 3. 1.

2월 4주

2. 18 (월)
John Mayer / My stupid mouth
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • Vick: That it's time to start considering the possibility that Margot ran away.
  • David: Why would she do that?
  • Vick That's what we don't know.
  • David: Why would she do that? She called me three times in the middle of the night. Three times she called me. Why?
  • Vick: We are going to figure out why.
  • 목적론: teleological theory
  • 의무론: deontological theory
  • 공리주의: utilitarianism
  • 회의주의: skepticism

the Good place
  • It was close, but she didn't make it.
  • You'll stand by my side no matter what.
  • I'm not supposed to be here.
  • What is the bad place like?
  • For the record~ 분명히 말해서
  • Everyone here believes in my integrity(진실성) 100%
  • it's also dead wrong.
  • I've narrowed it down to two possiblities, Yes and No.
  • Full disclosure~ 숨김없이 말하자면
  • It's all I deserve, really. 난 이래도 싸요.
  • If there's a single glitch in the system, the whole neighborhood is compromised. 시스템에 하나의 오류만 있더라도 이 동네는 위험에 처하게 되요.
  • But in my defense, there were only five minutes left. 변명을 좀 하자면
  • I can stop my deliverations. 더 이상 고민할 필요 없겠어요.
  • Oh man. I swear I won't let you down.
  • Okay, Fine. Now you got a long way to go to pull this off. 이제 이 일을 해내려면 갈 길이 멀어요.
Pops' Tale
  • My stupid mouth
  • Has got me in trouble
  • I said too much again
  • to a date over dinner yesterday
  • And I could see she was offended.
    She said, "Well anyway..."
  • Just dying for a subject change.
Word Block Play
  • Fa~: 말하다
    • Infant: 말하지 못하는 자 > 유아, 아기. 유아용의, 초창기의
    • 말대답하지 못하는 사람, 졸병 = 보병
    • Infantry: 보병, 보병대
  • You must not leave infants by themselves. 갓난 아기는 혼자 두면 안 됩니다.
  • We tried infantry, now bring in the cavalry. 보병은 시도해봤으니, 이제 기병을 투입시켜.
  • US infantry divisions landed on Normandy. 미국 보병 군단들이 노르만디에 상륙했다. 


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