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정보모음/언어, English

GMP Study_2019.02.05

by Whatever it is, it matters 2019. 2. 14.


2월 2주

2. 5 (화)
Eric Clapton / Change the world
Beyond Cinema
Additional Expressions
  • Voice: Hey, you've reached Margot's phone. Leave me a message or text me back.
  • David: Hi, sweetheart. Sorry I missed your call. I was asleep. Um, just checking in 'cause it looks like you already left for school this morning. Also, what time did you get in last night? All right, give me a text when you get this.
  • I've been to Japan twice.
  • The second tiem was about 4 years ago.
  • I went with my mother and we were there for about a week. 
  • We stayed in a really small hotel because we weren't planning to spend a lot of time inside.
Pops' Tale
  • And I can change the world.
  • I will be the sunlight in your universe.
  • You would think my love was really something good.
  • Baby, if I could change the world.
Word Block Play
  • Psy 숨소리
    • Psychology. 정신학, 정신구조
    • Psychoanalysis. 꿈꿀 때 육신을 빠져 나와 자유롭게 돌아다니는 영혼(Psyche)을 분석해 인가느이 본질을 파악하는 학문, 프로이트의 대표 저서 <꿈의 해몽>으로 인해 생겨난 말 > 정신분석
    • Psychiatry. 정신신경학과(정신학과와 헷갈리기 쉬우니 주의)
  • I tried, but I don't understand the psychology behind this.
  • Freud is credited with the invention of psychoanalysis. 프로이트는 정신분석의 발명가로 알려져 있다.
  • Psychiatrist is a M.D. whereas a psychologist is a Ph.D. 정신과 의사는 의학 박사이고 심리학자는 철학박사이다. 


'정보모음 > 언어, English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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